Thursday, 22 November 2012

gone with the wind

Natures forces were punishing me for my partying lifestyle today. The wind was RIDICULOUS! I tried my best to cycle to Science Museum but I swear I was moving more backwards than forwards. Luckily the way back was a piece of cake since this time wind was on my side. Should have built wings. Anyways, back home I was buzzing so much that I decided to do some running as well. When running wind doesn't really bother that much. I felt energetic and pushed myself up the hills to Highgate TWICE. My body graves for these kind of nice adrenaline rushes but I'v been burning the candle from all the possible ends lately. Partying, partying and partying and training and working lots just doesn't happen all at ones. I'm not stupid, I know this very well. But I'm a new single person and it's the party season and... I will do something very obvious and do a New Year's resolution: will cut down partying A LOT. I'v been always annoyed by New Year's resolutions but I think one is needed this time around. Otherwise this girl is going to end up in a hospital rather than running a bloody marathon. Yesterday should have been a warning example. After spending whole day in horrible hungover I went to karate and I was SHITTIER than SHIT! My brain didn't work at all and I felt annoyed, frustrated and angry. Yep.

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